#PONDYART moving image /
Partecipate in the collective EXPO moving image organized in Pondicherry by PONDYART
"For the next three weeks, these moving pieces of art will go about on their regular trips, and organisers are hoping they reach the furthest corners of Puducherry and are seen by all residents, in keeping with their theme, ‘Getting Art Out There’.
The Pondy ART team consisting of Kasha Vande, Andreas Deffner, Yannick Cormier and K. Muthu, picked photographs from entries across the world, and the exhibition features work of photographers from India, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, France, Australia, Germany and Singapore.
Participants were asked to send in ‘compelling images of India’ that ‘inspire, touch, motivate and affect the viewer in a dynamic way’. The photographs show everyday scenes from across India, including a photograph of Puducherry’s Promenade shot from above.
The idea behind the exhibition was to ‘draw the curiosity of our city’s residents to find out more about photography but also more about their country’, Ms. Vande, creative director, Pondy ART had told"
from The Hindu December 14th
more info here

OBJECTIU BCN @ La Virreina /
Partecipate in the collective expo #objectiubcn
La Virreina Image Centre presents the result of the project Objective ►BCN. We Portray the City, an initiative by Barcelona’s Network of Civic Centres to put together a multifaceted photo portrait of the city.
Objective ►BCN. We Portray the City is a documentary photography project carried out at 12 civic centres through a programme of theoretical classes, practical sessions and photo outings led by acclaimed international photographers such as Samuel Aranda, Fernando Moleres, Walter Astrada, Moises Saman, Emilio Morenatti, Toni Amengual, Juan Manuel Castro Prieto and Txema Salvans.
Between February and June 2014, some two hundred Barcelona residents took part in the project, covering the city’s 10 districts on foot to portray a particular subject or capture a specific aspect of the city.
The end result of the project is a collective visual portrait of Barcelona comprising over 100 images that are now on display at La Virreina Image Centre.
This exhibition is complemented by the presentation of different shows at the twelve civic centres that took part in the project and photographic displays at Metro de Barcelona underground stations around the city.
Opening: Wednesday 3 December, at 7 pm.
South India /
An incredible trip into Indian deep south covering the region state of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu: an explosion of colors flavours and devotion
OBJECTIU BCN @ Fabra y Coats /
Collective expo Objectiu BCN with the EMPORTAT project
"Sesión especial de clausura del proyecto de fotografía documental Objectiu BCN con la presencia por primera vez en nuestro país de uno de los fotoperiodistas con una de las trayectorias internacionales más reconocidas, Don McCullin (Londres, 1935), que ha cubierto conflictos armados por todo el mundo, desde Camboya hasta Belfast, de Vietnam al Congo. La sesión comienza con una Muestra de trabajos de Objectiu BCN (17.30 h), sigue con la proyección del documental 'No me llames fotógrafo de guerra' (18 h), sobre nuestros fotoperiodistas Samuel Aranda, Emilio Morenatti, Fernando Moleres y Moises Saman, seguirá con la sesión magistral (20 h) con la participación de Don McCullin, que presentará el primer documental dedicado a su vida, 'McCullin' "
EXPO Enfocat, CC Pati LLimona /
Participation in the collective Expo "ENFOCATS AL GOTIC"
From 5 to 31 March.
Back to the circuit of exhibitions organized and developed togheter with several local shops!
Discover the photographic works of 12 artists, with a unique tour of 12 stores.
more info here:

Sant Antoni photo contest /
Second prize in concuroso de fotografia de Sant Antoni "comerc es vida" and finalist in subject "la fiesta major 2014"
#eastpakinsider /
Winner of #eastpakinsider BCN photo contest
organized by eastpak and www.good2be.com