Just leaving the house 4 am in the morning, a joke running on whatsapp says "Rajoy mad so many people that also the anarchist will vote", the joke become reality.
#1O the hashtag for the intense day of the referendum called by the Catalan parliament on September 6 after a 3 years long legislative process.
-Referendum was immediately considered illegal by the Spanish government-
#1O was a tense long day between a lot of people try to reaffirm their right to vote and the government who choose the way of strength, brutality and human right violation to forbid and stop the vote.
Contrary to the mainstream storytelling people can vote in the majority of the pool station and this reportage was made along various area in Barcelona following the Catalan dream of an independent repubblican State.
5 a.m.
people came early on a whatsapp calling to protect the pool
8.45 am
Just before the voting operations starts the organiser shows to the people the "paperetes" the voting papers that the government try to sequester for the past 4 weeks.
9.00 am
vote can finally starts
aged people waiting to vote at the entrance of "Escola L'Univers" in Gracia District
A "democracy lesson" from many international observer in critical and unsafe condition.
I was shocked by the fact that no flags for independence was showed inside or outside the pool, people respect the choice of each other.
11 am
endless cues in every pooling station
1 pm
National Police
In Marques de Campo Sagrado street people voicing the arrival of the National Police and immediately block the entrance with passive resistance strategy.Luckly the Police only passing by returning to their home base, a massive cruising boat in Barcelona Port.
8 pm
closing the pool